A Balanced Woman

Guidance to Emotional and Spiritual Harmony


Michelle Aulday, A Balanced Woman, offers guidance to emotional and spiritual harmony, for women in all phases of life. Michelle is a self care coach & mentor in Sonoma California.


Michelle Aulday  INTUITIVE Self Care Coach & Mentor

An outspoken advocate for women’s self care, Michelle rises to life’s challenges with insight and a desire to know what lessons are to be learned.

She understands the courage that it takes to reach out for support & guidance. Through her own journey, she began to recognize her own patterns & unhealthy internal dialogue.

Michelle acquired experience in facing difficult situations through diligence and focus to obtain the balance and strength as a single mother of three sons.

She advocates for individuals through her life coaching to create and chart a course of innovative and proactive skills and refined behaviors and attitudes.

She is an excellent listener who is invested in the good of the client to overcome obstacles and barriers through implementing and improving sense of self.

Michelle is enthusiastic and inspirational in sharing her own experience and demonstrates talents to support those she works with. She co-creates an individualized attainable plan to achieve well-being & balance.

Michelle received her certification through Seattle Life Coach Training in 2013. She now resides in Portland, Oregon.

She is passionate about helping women through all phases of life.


© 2016 Michelle Aulday . A Balanced Woman
Portland, OR . 360-840-0411 . michelle