A Balanced Woman

Guidance to Emotional and Spiritual Harmony


Michelle Aulday, A Balanced Woman, offers guidance to emotional and spiritual harmony, for women in all phases of life. Michelle is a self care coach & mentor in Sonoma California.


In order to thrive in our careers we must obtain balance. One way of doing this would be to take care of our emotional & spiritual selves.

People generally think of “self care” as something that requires big chunks of time out of the day or extended periods of time away. This is not accurate, “self care” can be achieved in the spaces in between.

We can implement self care throughout our day & evening. One habit you can implement would be in the morning before reaching for our phone or making our coffee, take 5 to 10 minutes to do some yoga stretches or to just sit and practice breathing exercises. Breathe in positivity & calm, breathe out stress & anxiety.

Another could be in the middle of the day while sitting in traffic in route to your next task. Practice being mindful or reciting positive affirmations to yourself. Buy some books on Audio that are uplifting & inspirational.

“Self care” looks different for everyone. The goal is to find what nurtures your spirit & heart and fill those spaces within your day with those things. When we nurture ourselves we are better equipped to nurture the other areas in our lives such as our careers.

Divorce is an ending, a loss that must be grieved.

When we are faced with this type of loss (divorce), we typically focus on what we were or what defined us prior to the relationship. But, the reality is we are not the same and the things that defined us no longer apply.

The relationship & life experiences have changed us. We have evolved and grown. This is the time to discover our “new” selves.

First thing we should do is get to a place of honouring the relationship for what it contributed to our growth. Whether good or bad a change and or shift has occurred within us.

This period of time is a gift to open yourself up to the infinite possibilities of your life.

© 2016 Michelle Aulday . A Balanced Woman
Portland, OR . 360-840-0411 . michelle